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What Is a Free Agent Contract in the Nfl



The NFL is America`s favorite sport, and one of the reasons it has a massive following is the annual frenzy around the free agent signings. Every year, hundreds of players` contracts expire, and teams get a chance to sign them to help their franchises succeed. In this article, we`ll explore what a free agent contract in the NFL is and what it entails.

What is a Free Agent Contract?

In the NFL, a free agent is a player whose contract has expired or has been released by their previous team. Once a player becomes a free agent, they have the option to negotiate and sign a contract with any team that is interested in their services. Teams can sign free agents in two ways: through unrestricted free agency or restricted free agency.

Unrestricted Free Agency

When a player is an unrestricted free agent, they can sign with any team they want, and their former team cannot prevent them from doing so. Players become unrestricted free agents when their contracts expire, and they have at least six years of experience in the league. The length of an unrestricted free agent`s contract is negotiable, but it cannot exceed five years.

Restricted Free Agency

Restricted free agency is different from unrestricted free agency because the player`s former team can retain them by matching any offer made by another team. Restricted free agency applies to players who have three accrued seasons or less. In this case, the team retains the right of first refusal if the player receives an offer from another team.

If a team chooses to sign a restricted free agent from another team, they must provide the former team with compensation. The type of compensation depends on how much the new team has offered the player.


In conclusion, free agency is a significant part of the NFL, and it creates a lot of buzz among fans and the media during the offseason. The free agency system allows players to move around and find new opportunities, and it gives teams a chance to bolster their rosters with new talent. Understanding how free agency works is essential for fans who want to keep up with their team`s offseason roster moves.