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Pronoun Agreement Antecedent


Pronoun agreement antecedent is a crucial grammatical rule that copy editors need to keep in mind. It refers to the agreement between a pronoun and its antecedent, which is the noun or pronoun that the pronoun replaces.

The basic principle of pronoun agreement antecedent is simple – the pronoun must match the noun or pronoun it is replacing in terms of number and gender. For example, if the antecedent is singular, then the pronoun must also be singular. If the antecedent is plural, then the pronoun must also be plural.

For example:

– The student raised his hand. (Correct: “his” matches the singular noun “student”)

– The students raised their hands. (Correct: “their” matches the plural noun “students”)

It`s also important to ensure that the gender of the pronoun matches the gender of the antecedent. This is particularly important when referring to people or animals that have a specific gender.

For example:

– The doctor came to see his patient. (Correct: assuming the doctor is male, “his” matches the gender of the antecedent)

– The babysitter came to see their charges. (Correct: “their” is a gender-neutral pronoun that matches the plural noun “charges”)

Using the wrong pronoun or failing to ensure agreement between the pronoun and antecedent can lead to confusion, ambiguity, and even errors in meaning. Consider the following examples:

– The team celebrated their victory, and it was a day they would never forget. (Incorrect: “their” suggests that the team members individually celebrated, rather than as a collective group)

– The teacher asked the class to hand in their tests, but some of them still hadn`t finished. (Incorrect: “their” suggests that each student had multiple tests, rather than just one)

To avoid such errors, make sure to always identify the antecedent before using a pronoun and ensure that they agree in terms of number and gender. If in doubt, rewrite the sentence to avoid pronoun agreement antecedent altogether.

In conclusion, mastering the rules of pronoun agreement antecedent is an essential skill for copy editors and writers alike. By following these guidelines, you`ll ensure clear, concise, and error-free writing that effectively communicates your message to your audience.