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Lifelabs Agreement


LifeLabs Agreement: What it is and What it Means for You

On December 17th, 2019, LifeLabs announced that it had entered into a proposed settlement regarding a data breach that occurred in 2019. This breach resulted in the theft of personal information belonging to millions of Canadians. The proposed settlement agreement, which has yet to be approved by the courts, aims to compensate affected individuals and enhance LifeLabs` security measures.

What is the LifeLabs Agreement?

The LifeLabs Agreement is a proposed settlement agreement between LifeLabs and affected individuals in a class-action lawsuit stemming from the 2019 data breach. The proposed agreement, which is subject to court approval, includes several provisions aimed at compensating individuals for damages suffered as a result of the breach.

Under the proposed agreement, LifeLabs has agreed to pay affected individuals up to $40 million in compensation. The compensation will cover expenses such as credit monitoring and identity theft insurance, as well as out-of-pocket expenses related to the breach, such as lost wages.

In addition to compensation, the proposed agreement includes provisions designed to enhance LifeLabs` security measures. LifeLabs has agreed to implement measures such as the appointment of a Chief Information Security Officer and the implementation of more robust security protocols.

What does the LifeLabs Agreement mean for you?

If you were affected by the 2019 LifeLabs data breach, the proposed settlement agreement could provide compensation for any damages you suffered as a result. This compensation could help cover expenses such as credit monitoring and identity theft insurance, as well as any out-of-pocket expenses related to the breach.

The proposed agreement also means that LifeLabs has committed to enhancing its security measures, which could help prevent future breaches from occurring. This is particularly important given the sensitive nature of the information that LifeLabs holds, such as medical test results.

What should you do if you were affected by the breach?

If you were affected by the 2019 LifeLabs data breach, you may be eligible to participate in the proposed settlement agreement. The settlement agreement has not yet been approved by the courts, but affected individuals can register to be notified once the agreement is finalized.

In addition to registering for the settlement agreement, affected individuals should take steps to protect themselves from identity theft. This includes monitoring your credit report for any unauthorized activity and changing passwords for any accounts that may have been compromised.


The proposed LifeLabs Agreement represents a significant step towards compensating affected individuals for damages suffered as a result of the 2019 data breach. If approved by the courts, the agreement will provide compensation for expenses related to the breach and require LifeLabs to enhance its security measures. If you were affected by the breach, take steps to protect yourself and consider registering for the settlement agreement once it is finalized.