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Fiji`s Trade Agreement


Fiji`s Trade Agreement: an Overview

Fiji is a small island nation located in the South Pacific, known for its tropical climate and natural beauty. It is also a country that is heavily dependent on trade, with exports of goods and services accounting for a significant portion of its economy.

In recent years, Fiji has been actively pursuing free trade agreements (FTAs) with countries around the world, in an effort to expand its international trade and increase its economic growth. In this article, we will take a closer look at Fiji`s trade agreements and what they mean for the country`s economy.

Trade Agreements with Australia and New Zealand

Fiji`s most significant trade agreements are those with its two largest trading partners, Australia and New Zealand. In 2011, Fiji signed the Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations (PACER) Plus with Australia and New Zealand, which aimed to strengthen trade and investment ties between the countries.

Under the agreement, Fiji and other Pacific island nations agreed to gradually liberalize trade in goods and services, with the ultimate goal of creating a free trade area in the Pacific region. This agreement has helped to increase trade between Fiji and Australia and New Zealand, with Fiji`s exports to these countries growing significantly in recent years.

Trade Agreement with China

Fiji has also signed a free trade agreement with China, which was signed in 2015 and came into effect in 2018. This agreement has further opened up access to China`s massive market for Fijian goods, particularly in the agriculture and fisheries sectors.

The agreement has also provided opportunities for Chinese investment in Fiji, which has helped to spur economic growth in the country. However, there are concerns that the agreement could lead to increased competition for Fijian producers, particularly in the textile and clothing sectors.

Other Trade Agreements

Fiji has also signed several other trade agreements with countries such as Japan, South Korea, and Papua New Guinea. These agreements have helped to diversify Fiji`s trading partners and increase exports to these markets.

However, it is important to note that these agreements are not without their challenges. Some have raised concerns about the impact of increased trade on local industries and the environment, while others have argued that free trade agreements can lead to increased inequality and job losses.


Overall, Fiji`s trade agreements have been an important driver of economic growth and development in the country. By increasing access to international markets and attracting foreign investment, these agreements have helped to create jobs and increase exports.

However, it is important that Fiji continues to carefully consider the potential impacts of these agreements on local industries and the environment, and works to ensure that the benefits of increased trade are shared by all members of society. With careful planning and implementation, Fiji`s trade agreements can continue to support sustainable economic growth and development in the years to come.