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Cher Adjective Agreement


Cher Adjective Agreement: A Guide for French Language Learners

As a French language learner, one of the most challenging aspects of the language is mastering the adjective agreement. In French, adjectives must agree with the gender and number of the noun they modify. One specific adjective that can cause confusion is cher, meaning “expensive” or “dear.”

Cher is used to describe the cost or value of a noun, but its agreement depends on the noun`s gender and number. Here is a breakdown of how to use cher correctly in different contexts:

1. Singular Masculine Nouns

If the noun being described is singular and masculine, cher remains in its basic form: cher. For example:

– Un costume cher (an expensive suit)

– Un restaurant cher (an expensive restaurant)

2. Singular Feminine Nouns

When describing a singular feminine noun, the adjective cher changes to chère, adding an -e to the end of the word. For example:

– Une robe chère (an expensive dress)

– Une voiture chère (an expensive car)

3. Plural Masculine Nouns

If the noun being described is plural and masculine, the adjective cher also takes on the plural form, becoming chers. For example:

– Des stylos chers (expensive pens)

– Des vins chers (expensive wines)

4. Plural Feminine Nouns

For plural feminine nouns, the adjective cher becomes chères. For example:

– Des chaussures chères (expensive shoes)

– Des maisons chères (expensive houses)

It`s also important to note that in French, the adjective always comes after the noun it modifies. So, instead of saying “une chère robe,” it should be “une robe chère.”

In conclusion, mastering the adjective agreement in French can take time and practice. Understanding how to use cher in different contexts is an important step in developing your language skills. Remember to pay attention to the gender and number of the noun being described to ensure that cher is used correctly. With time and patience, you`ll be using cher like a native French speaker in no time.